DR GURUJEE KUMARAN SWAMIS INFORMAL INVITATION TO Honorable H.H. Thawaar chand Gehlote Governor of Karnataka

Honorable H.H. Thawaar chand Gehlote
Governor of Karnataka
The founder of Fifth Sanatan Dham in Cambodia Dr. Gurujee Kumaran Swami met Indian Yoga Guru and Honorable Thawaarchand Gehlote,Governor of Karnataka at his Bengaluru Raj Bhawan today and invited him to the 6th anniversary of the fifth Dham, 1008 Names of Shiva to be held at Seim Reap, Cambodia from 29 May to 2 June, 2023. Honorable Governor Thawaar chand Gehlote ji accepted the invitation and assured Dr. Gurujee Kumaran Swami to attend the auspicious occasion.

Gurujee discussed with Honorable Governor,Karnataka discussed about Sanatana Dharma with Gurujee and Dr.Gurujee Kumaran Swami Described about 5th Sanatan Dham Cambodia the universal or eternal tradition is nothing but a way of life or dharma that shows the way towards self-realization through divinity. Gurujee also discussed the development of the 5th Sanatan Dham in Cambodia.
Honorable H.H.Governor of Karnataka, expressed his happiness about the development of the 5th Sanatan Dham in Cambodia and thanked Dr. Gurujee Kumaran swami for his noble and humanitirous work all over world.

The meeting ended with an exchange of pleasantries and good wishes for 5th Sanatan Dham, Cambodia.
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