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Dr. Gurujee Kumaran Swamy blessed the former Prime Minister of Australia Mr Tony Abbott.

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The 28th Prime Minister of Australia Mr Tony Abbott visited India recently. During his visit he met with various ministers and business leaders and the founder of 5th Sanatan Dham Dr. Gurujee Kumaran Swamy at New Delhi. The former Australian Prime Minister and Gurujee discussed various issues to strengthen economic and trade relationships of both the countries. Also they discussed about expanding the bilateral trade and investment relationship between the countries.

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Gurujee Kumaran Swamy explained Mr Abbott about the Sanatan Dharma and its advantages to the society as a whole. Gurujee explained Mr Abbott about the mutual benefit of the Indian and Australian people through basic values of life as contained in Sanatan Dharma. Also Gurujee briefed him about the role of Sanatan World people during the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

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